Duncans All Age School Water Project

Duncans All Age School Water Project

Date: 12 Nov, 2018  No Comments

October 8-10 2018

These pictures do little to describe the filthy and unsanitary condition that has been slowly worsening within the last year. The tower is an open top tank design with a zinc roof for protection. A little over a year ago a storm tore 20% of the roof away and left it open for trash, limbs and leaves and more to get in and begin to decay.

Last month I received a desperate call from the principal the tank was delivering greenish brown water to the bathrooms, showers and sinks! Needless to say there was a major decline in the use of the bathrooms.

The first thing we did was tear down the old roof and begin the draining process. That turned out to be the easy part. The next day began the trash removal and clean up process. One bucket at a time, we emptied the tank into the school yard.

We finally got to the bottom of the tank by mid-day. Next was sanitation. We scrubbed with pool acid until it was suitable for using. Finally, we rebuilt the roof and covered it in new zinc!

Another project complete!